A Canadian supplier company

Prime Procure is a Canadian industry-leading supplier, based in Vancouver. We specialize in providing a wide range of quality products to businesses of all sizes and across various sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and retail.

A team of professionals

Our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to ensuring seamless procurement solutions that optimize efficiency and reduce costs for our clients. At Prime Procure, we provide top-quality supply solutions to our clients and pride ourselves on our commitment to exceptional customer service and our ability to meet and exceed our client’s expectations.

A go-to partner

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and tailor our services to meet their specific requirements. With a focus on reliability, quality, and innovation, we are your go-to partner for all your supply needs.

A go-to partner

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and tailor our services to meet their specific requirements. With a focus on reliability, quality, and innovation, we are your go-to partner for all your supply needs.

A prime procure

At Prime Procure, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality products and services to our clients in a timely manner. We strive to be the primary choice for our customers when it comes to the procurement of supplies and materials for their operations. This is why we chose the name “Prime Procure” for our company.

A diamond

Our company logo features a red diamond, a powerful and symbolic element that represents our commitment to excellence, strength, and value. The diamond is widely recognized as a symbol of quality, and by including it in our logo, we are signalling to our customers that our supply chain supplements are of the highest quality and that they can trust our company to provide reliable and effective solutions.

A motto in action

At Prime Procure, we believe that our clients deserve the best, which is why we strive to be your prime choice for procurement. Our commitment to quality, reliability, and efficiency means that we can deliver the products and services you need when you need them, and at a competitive price.

We understand that each of our clients is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to every project, working closely with you to understand your needs and goals. Whether you need products sourced and delivered, logistics managed, or supply chain processes streamlined, we have the expertise, resources, and commitment to help you achieve your objectives. Discover why so many businesses choose Prime Procure as their procurement partner – contact us today.





Want a quote?

Whether you need products sourced and delivered,
logistics managed, or supply chain processes
streamlined, we have the expertise, resources, and
streamlined, we have the expertise, resources, and commitment to help you achieve your objectives.
Discover why so many businesses choose Prime Procure as their procurement partner.